Thursday, July 31, 2008


Sorry for the delay...was on vacation...even the love guru has to take a few days to CHILLLLLLLLLLLLLLL and rejuvenate...but I'm back baby..and back for all my boyz out there...Oh ya..ladies you can learn a lot too and probably help yourselves out as well!! :)

Approaching an attractive woman is a tough job. Women do not really understand how hard it can be, as they are always being the pursued. As the pursuer fear can not be shown. Can you imagine a lion going for a kill and being all timid and shy? NOPE! Women have this innate ability to smell out fear gentlemen, so men, mastering the art of hollaring is essential to success. The smell that lack of confidence like blood sucking wolves...they are have to be a LION to conquer baby!

Seriously...just going up and saying Hi, how are you to a girl you are attracted to is a solid/confident gesture...No PICK UP LINES!

BE CONFIDENTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!! Why not you? My dad's always said...if someone else can do it, why can't you? What's wrong with you!? The answer is you are what's wrong with you. Be confident in yourself and of course always chill and use common sense to assess the situation you are in. As Robbie Schneider would say, "YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Don't you see those normal looking, sometimes, ehhh guys w/those hot ass chicks that you want to tag!? Hell ya you do, I do all the time, ok ok...default answer...MONEY!!!!!!!!! Bro's got the cash that's why he's tappin that fine ass rite?! HAHA..not always the case fellas, it's confidence...That retard just had the balls to go up and say what's up to that chick...Hot girls don't always get hit on as much as you think, too many guys are pussies or try lame pick-up lines on them, so they don't get the hits as much as you think. Let's go gettem!!

Be BOLD and Fearful!! Trust me it will pay off. Don't be stupid, but be bold. People like unique and confident people. Boldness shows confidence. Don't be afraid to take a chance, say what you think or feel. It's like making a turn when you are driving, if you hesitate, it's over, don't go...same thing with girls...JUST PUNCH IT BABY!!!!!!! Remember, all people, regardless of looks are attracted to confidence. Confidence doesn't mean arrogance in your looks or status, it just means being comfy with who you are as a person, looks included. The more comfy you are, the more comfy you will come across and people like to talk/do business with people they feel comfortable with. It's just like sales, talking to girls I tell ya. are always selling yourself...everyday at work, to your friends, to your family, to chicks...everything you do is a reflection on you, hence you are selling don't be a cheap whore, but don't be an arrogant biotch either..just be chill and let the sale happen naturally. The best products sell on their own..and that's how you need to sell yourself to girls fellas.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


It's simple..people like happy people. SMILE! The more you smile the better for you personally and with the hunnies! People are attracted to fun and happy people. If you are posting it with your arms folded..that is not gonna fly. Would you want to talk to a hunni that looked like she was a biotch, don't just stand around. Be relaxed and SMILE! SMILE!! Make sure you are upbeat, giving out that positive vibe, not that obnoxious douchebag vibe, but just a very chill "I am here to hang w/my boys and just scope out the scene" vibe.

So in review...SMILE you's not hard, it's simple...KEEP it simple and'll go a long me!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

All about YOU!

Regardless of your nature, Lion or Mouse, there is plenty to learn...

Lion: King of the Jungle, in our case... P I M P !!!!!!!!

Mouse: A little rodent, in our case... a lil biotch or pansy !!!!!! Not that there's anything wrong with it!! Seinfeld fans!

First off, lets just focus on YOU!!!! If you don't got #1 taken care of you're screwed. It's all bout YOU. Trust me, in today's jungle, my pops always says, "If you don't have your own back, ain't no one got yours." Know who you are and know what you are worth (self-worth...will be discussed later). Now, I'm not saying be selfish, but it all starts with you. Having a good understand of yourself will go a long way in someone respecting you and you ultimately respecting yourself. As one of my good friends pops says, "RESPECT YOURSELF!" Easy moto, great to live by...if you follow that rule, not much can go wrong.

I'm not here to get you laid, well, dunno bout that! haha...Well most likely if you listen, that will happen!! It's bout feeling good about who you are and what you're doing...once you got that feeling, what others think is less important, and in-turn everything will be all good and more importantly the hunnies will flow like nectar.

If you don't feel you got it, how is someone else gonna feel you got it? That's gotta have that inner belief in yourself, you can do it. Now I'm not saying be unrealistic, like no way my under 6ft ass can play in the NBA, or you're not gonna tag Cindy Crawford, so keep the expectations in check. No expectations is better, I mean...seriously...who can you expect things from? 1/2 of us can't even rely on ourselves, how can you have expectations for others? So take care of business on your side, and let the rest shake out how it will...always CHILLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chilling is the Key to Happiness as my good Japanese friend says.

I know..this is the boring stuff...but trust me, there is a method to the madness playas!

Next's coming...just CHILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLLA!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Bringing the GAME ONLINE!!!!!!!!


It's Game Time for everyone now! So I've been told by many of my friends I need to share my insight, little tid-bits, and experiences...oh there are plenty! So I said why not, it's time to set up the blog and help out. First installment is upcoming...for now...I leave you with a simple question...

Are you a Lion or a Mouse?